Funding is Funding. Merger is Merger. Let's not confuse the two. It's time to put merger to rest and move on. The steering committee believes that the discussion of possible merger should be objective and will strive to act accordingly. The goals of a possible merger have not been stated. It would be irresponsible to merge these systems without clear goals and without answering many of the questions which remain. Many citizens against merger believe that the primary issue is funding, which these citizens believe should be more appropriately allocated over time as an alternative to merger. Many other citizens against merger believe that the will of the voters should determine taxes, believe that OCS is well-funded in comparison to most of the other school districts in the state, and would oppose major tax increases in a merged or unmerged system. It seems very clear that an overwhelming majority of Orange County citizens are against merger at this time. We live in a representative democracy where large issues are considered via a referendum. Many believe that possible merger should be put to a referendum. Many citizens are frustrated that local media have given an overwhelming number of columns and letter-length exceptions to pro-merger points of view. We appreciate the privilege of the media to take a position on merger in the editorial section and for columnists to express an opinion, however we also expect reasonable balance in the columns and letters to the editor (in number and length). A search of the archives of local media will quickly show you how unbalanced the coverage has been. Points to ponder:
The opinions expressed on this site are the opinions and copyright of the individuals who submitted the information. Material which is not clearly attributed may be attributed to "a supporter of NoMerger.org". Copyright 2004, NoMerger.org.